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29 June 2010





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12 June 2012


1 A What we plan to do: OGIC (Off Grid Independent Circuit

     Components: Solar Panels NOT ON THE ROOF

     Windmill – NOT on the ROOF

      New Wiring  to selected electric devices, switches

      Inverter, generator, batteries, charger, etc



1-B How we plan todo it:


     Solar flares will be strong enough to  shut down the electric grid  plus ALL circuts, applliances and PHEV’s connected to it at the time.


     The Solar  and/or Wind Powe System (SW) can power the Air Conditioner, refrigerator, Microwave oven, swimmingpool filter and some gadgets, some lights, garage door opener, Natural Gas switch, heater and cooling monitor.  They can stay on solar and/or Wind power NOT just on black outs BUT  THROUGHOUT the year to reduce monthly bills.  It has to be an OFF GRID Circuit so it does NOT GO BLACK WITH THE GRID and vice versa.  When the sun’s rays get blocked by dust and Wind power cannot handle the job,, the electric grid can take over again.  Each power source may take its turn being damaged by storms.  Therefore each independent circuit (Grid or OGIC) should be able to continue as needed and should be able to receive from or donate reserved power to the other from time to time. New wiring and individual outlets marked SW for the selected appliances should be part of the Solar or Wind System set up. The old wiring and correspnding outlets marked APS should be left in place for instant switching of power source.  The exception would be that for the air conditioner.  If possible, the old outlet should be moved from the attic to next to the new one in the Utility room for better access.  Please arrange to have the same heating and cooling monitor that works under bo th systems or have individual ones for each system/power source.  A NEW SW outlet is needed close tohe front f the garage or giving or receiving power between circuits or vehicle/appliance. circuit


     A NEW SOLAR or Wind POWER heater would be needed and should similarly be double wired and equipped with marked outlets to work with either circuit.


     Solar panels cannot be on the roof or other elevated structure.  We signed an agreement NOT to change the appearance of the home. Besides, the panels are potential flying hazards in a storm.  We prefer convex tiles that do not need angling to track the sun.


     Please contact my husband to discuss details and date to start work on he project  I cannot hear too well either. 


                                     Manuel MA Guerrero III, MD

                                     Cell phone  602-920-6333,  

                                     e-mai:   Parsifal@cmailbom

                                     1896 N Boulder Ct

                                      Casa Grande AZ 85122


      Go ahead and adjust to your capability.  Come as son as possible.  with a workable plan to carry out within our means.   It is URGENT and CRUCIAL that a model be built now, tried for effectiveness and serve as a model worldwide.  Also, Natural Gas delivery can be interrupted during electric grid power outage disabling HEATING and Bloom Box function. A new heater for space an water would be needed.


2     How Ithe system IS BENEFICIAL TO DOE’s MISSON   It has the same goal..:

     We shall assist in promoting security and prosperity of America through leadership in  ENVIRONMENTAL and CLEAN ENERGY Related RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT.


3     How we plan to be of help to DOE

We offer our proposed llan to help the DOE pepare for coming Environmental changes such as Peak SolarMaximum,Volcanism/Earthquakes, Dark Ages and Little Ice Age.


            We invte DOE to useour own home as the site an subject of the research described abve.


           We shall provide flow up reports through the coing years.


     This documet shall be on my own website.  There shall be an ENVIROMENtALLY related Clean Energy, Peace and Health Q &A.section  on the top of the page for public information.


     We had trouble getting solar companies to respnd to our equest to build our system.  We therefore ask that DOE or the US goverrnment provide the work, manpower, materials and cost toassure completion, quality and effectiveness of the system. This should not be a megaproject. Wehave a modest home and you have al l the connections.  I can visualize but building is NOT one of my capabilities.  It shoud work.  We only need to prove it  to gain world leadership in the management of Environmental onslaughts.  Man made it through the samestages hundreds of years ago.  If we stop producing Nitrous oxde NOW we should survive too.  Good luck to all of us.


All Rights Reserved MMXII

Magdalena D. Guerrero.MD, Ret, Disabled


Submitted by Manuel Ma Guerero III, MD, Ret

                        Magdalena D. Guerrero, MD




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SOME  Letters to President Barack Obama til 7 October 2009


ISA Table of Contents


Hope For Orphan Children ISK

7 June 2010; Last Updated 29 June 2010



 Dear Government and Religious Leaders of the world,








     In Kisil, Kenya (Africa), there is an orphanage with about 44 children whose mothers may have been victims of violence between warring factions. They have HIV/Aids.  The priest running the facility and helping otherorphans had Malaria months ago.  Since then, 10 orphans and 2 adult workers were similarly ill.  The priest acting as teacher, father, comforter and protector is willing and eager to learn and teach essential prevention skills for the well being of the young dependents.  US and other foreign commercial institutions have made mosquito nets available to tourists, the military and other organizations.  Unfortnately, asisde from being costly for him and others, the nets are actually harmful and can actually make control of Malaria difficult.  The Aedes mosquito (carrier of the Malaria parasite) builds more resistance to pesticides.  The use of these supposedly protective product can actually make Malaria impossible to control and treat eventually.  The priest would be happy to learn how to make Non-medicated mosquito nets and teach his wards this essential survival skill.  In addition, the orphans can popularize this more sensible preventive device in all of Kenya if not all of Africa and other tropical countries if not the whole world.  He has two problems.  1.  He can neither sew nor crochet, etc.  My brother sent him a non medicated sample (Kulambo) from the Philippines.  Someone needs to tech him to make lots of copies.  2.  He also needs to screen all windows, doors and other openings of the adobe building housing the combination home, church and school.  I suggested weaving panels made of local materials to be used in place of glass panes on windows, doors and walls.  I hought sliding doors and windows may be easier to install than hanging hinged ones.  I sincerely hope that you can send personnel to help.  Travel is difficult for him.  Money is terribly short so it would be difficult for him or the children to go elsewhere to learn these critically important skills that they can pass on to subsequent generations PLUS save the world from the next incurable epidemic.  With increasing global warming, high and hotter ocean water would generate worse and more frequent storms.  Receding floods would leave swamps and small pools of stagnant water which become breeding places for mosquitoes.  The US and others would experience this for the first time and NOT be prepared for it.  Rampant use of prophylactic anti Malarial drugs made Palcifarum Malaria become very resistant to all but one medicine reserved for very serious cases only.  Malaria can be the next incurable epidemic.  The orphans may be our salvation.


     Above is a sketch of a Philippine kulambo (mosquito net).  A picture showing sliding wood window panels with polished Capiz shell panes is in the Chapter ‘Terraces”.  They slide on a wide wood window sill and upper window frame portion with grooves etched out for protrusions on the lower and uer edge of the window panels to glide in.


     Please contact Fr.Peter Mageri Mageri


                                Help For Orphan Children ISK (Kisil Kenya)


at  pmageri@yahoo.com


     His mailing address is: 

     Post Office Box 2868

     Kisil – Kenya


     The immediate needs would be illustrated instructions on crocheting, several size 7 crochet hooks *****, several balls of crocheting thread.  Even cones of strings used to tie small packages for mailing would do.


     Thank you very much from the world.


dr G



All Rights Reserved MMX

Magdalena D Guerrero MD, FACOG/GP  (dr G)

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dr G ....   

       Name                                           Date Created
Dance for Health __ originally taped in 1996 during the Open House on 5-5-1996;put together in 2000
dr G's Flexibility    Exercises __ The 2000 series of videotapes were madeto demonstrate and celebrate the power of the mind over the body after full recovery from contracture, pain and stiffness after a fractured L wrist and resulting cardio-vascular problems due to resulting relative physical inactivity.


dr G's Oriental Aerobics __ 2000
dr G's Hula Fitness __ 2000
dr G's Pool Exercises __ 2000
AE Visited Casa Grande __ 1991: dr G interviewed local citizens who actually saw Amelia Earhart during her visit in 1928 during a record flight and the sister of someone who saw the autographed portion of the handkerchief.  A copy of the Rodeo program autographed by Amelia Earhart in 1936 and a picture of the Earhart party are also included.
Nostradamus Visits Zonta __ 2000: This is an actual videotape of a Un/International Relations Program for the Zonta Club of Casa Grande Valley
dr G's "i" Yoga __ 2002: This was made soon after retirement from the practice of Medicine for personal use and for those with or related to patients with Retinitis pigmentosa; A separate website "dr G's "i" page was made to disseminate information about the affliction and possible treatments.
Messages   Print, fill up and mail or fax this form to:
    Magdalena's Treasures. POB 12096, Casa Grande, AZ 85130  USA;  Fax: 520-876-9112

Notice of planned closure submitted to the

City of Casa Grande and

Arizona Department of Revenue on 5 May 2005

Business Closed on 18 May 2005

Finished writing ISA 2008, submitted for cpyrigt



MD I & II finished in 1980, kept secret

Last Updated 14 July 2010