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Started 20 August 2008

Last Updated 13 September 2008 p




Left: The Celestial Cross, Right: The Seven Ray Cross



     Jesus said: “I am One with the Father as He is One with me.”


     Writers of both the Old and the New Testament agreed with Him.  The ancient Jews believed the Old Testament.  Christians believed both those of the Old and New Testament.  Albert Einstein supposedly had trouble with simple Arithmetic.  Yet, no one accused him of being a heretic, a liar, a stupid man, or one under the influence of drugs or spirits.  The physical number one is easy to understand.  The concept of oneness is more esoteric and poetic.


     “We are One!  We are confused too.”


     “Did you say ‘two’?”


     “Dala would have answered in the affirmative.”


     “I don’t see any ‘One’ with you.”


     “My name is Legion.”


     Since the beginning of life, man has been scanning the sky for knowledge and guidance.  We all saw the same things and noticed the same movements of the heavenly bodies and permanence or end of some.  As circumstances changed, interpretations varied.  All of us are partly right, and all of us are partly wrong.  We do agree on a few things.  Symbols remained very similar.  The most common one is the CROSS … One Male.


CENTER …“I”  … “One Male”

The Roman numeral 1

Isa – The Tagalog term for the number 1 

Issa – The Islamic name for Jesus

The only Son of God, The “Chosen One”

Eye – the organ for seeing, the eye of the storm

The nucleus of the cell, focus of attention, middle of a Geographic or Geometric entity

The magnetic center, Nova, Black Hole … there is one in our galaxy

First person pronoun, “ako” – in Tagalog

 Aku – deity of Easter Island inhabitants, descendants of the lost Mu civilization




@ - Alpha – A, the first letter of the alphabet, also the first of a series or only ‘one’

Omega – the last letter of the alphabet, the last of a series

Y – the last letter in the Tagalog alphabet, upside down ‘Gamma’ symbol


     Jesus said to His Apostles: “I am the Alpha … North (The Green Triangle – The Western World) and the Omega South (The Yellow Triangle – The Eastern World).” – The Beginning and the End … He controls the start and termination of all creations.



NORTH EAST (Yellow Triangle – The Eastern World) … YIN AND YANG … ENERGY, spark plug, of Life

“ … the Way …”

The components form a complete circle.  Each half needs the other.  Together, they produce Tau, the supreme energy.  The crescent is part of the whole.


NORTH WEST (Yellow Triangle – The Eastern World) … TRIANGLE … PYRAMID … TREE of Life

“ … and the Life …” … the physical and spiritual food and environment to support life.




“ … the Wonderful Counselor … “


SOUTH WEST (Green Triangle – The Western World) … VENUS … FIVE POINT STAR … CHRONOMETER of life

“ …  and the Morning Star.”



     During the Transfiguration, a loud voice announced from the clouds … “This is My ‘Son’ (One Male offspring) … My ‘Chosen One’ (Messiah in the Hebrew language).  Listen to ‘Him’ (One Male).”


     “Yes, Lord.”


     Earlier in His public life, Jesus informed the Apostles of the two main commandments of God: I - Love God above all.  … II - Love your neighbor as yourself.


     The Seven Ray Cross is produced by the brilliance of charged particles of dust winding and repeatedly orbitting  around the central magnetic globe in a cruciform pattern as a  strand of thread forming a ball of yarn.  Each path describes a circle on an anterior to posterior plane touching the locations of the symbols representing the roles undertaken by Jesus as our Savior one at a time in the order that he mentioned them.  These are the titles He used to describe Himself to His Apostles.  The front portions of the swirls of glowing particles form the rays.  They are outshone by the magnificent Nova and are not visible ordinarily.




In the third century AD, King Constantine received a message from the sky.  He discerned the leters ‘IHS’ on the cross that he saw. 


     Before and after him, civilizations, religions, governments, groups, prestigious societies, organizations and movements used the same symbolism for various reasons.  Imaginative substitutions of symbols happened but essentially conveyed the same relevance as the original ones.  Misunderstanding of the meaning, hidden messages if any or intent led to clashes of opinions, sentiment and war.  There were religious schisms, condemnation and intrighe.  There was mistrust, suspicion and mistaken undeclared misaffiliations.  There was success for some and failure for others. 


     The Celestial Cross is the ‘ONE’ observed and mentioned in ancient traditions and records but only recently seen by modern man through the Hubble telescope.  The super bright light emitted by the central Nova bursts through the spaces not covered by the wide and dense ribbons of flowing dust.  It has been visible as a cross way before the advent of Christ on earth.  When the central Nova dies,  the seven rays shall dominate the picture and take on the honor and privilege of displaying the cross in front of the black hole.


The Bright 7 Ray Cross



    All through man’s long existence, we yet have to realize that hatred, carnal passion, transgressiona and reprisal only lead to mutual destruction.  Caring, responsible spiritual love, repentance and forgiveness need to occupy the receptacle at the other end of the balance scale.  When humans stop loving God, his  fellow men and other creations of the Father, it is the true END.


     As tensions and worries mount over worldwide concern about environment, economy and life itself, the ugly prospect of raw animal instinctive fight for survival becomes more possible.  As we hang on to our remaining green ‘ones’ even after we have seen them slashed, it becomes more appropriate to declare our trust in God.




     “Please give us another chance, Lord.”


     He promised to come again.  Shall we be wiser then and find our way

Towards the cross to stand together as ONE flock at His feet?


     “Su asti kayo!!!” … You be good.


     May we ALL be of ONE faith and fate ‘hangang sa Muling Pagdating ng Panginoon at huling pagbalik natin’ ... till the Next Coming of Our Lord and our resurrection.  May we all fare well ‘sa huling hatulan’ … at the Last Judgement.


All Rights Reserved MMVIII

Magdalena D. Guerrero, M.D., FACOG/GP (dr G)