Chapter 5

9 – 11


Started 22 May 2008


Last Updated 14 November 2008 p



     Lynn opened the garage door.  Her ride should be arriving soon.  She has to be picked up earlier than usual for the monthly WOWI Club meeting.  A member of the Board of Directors is picking her up.  Another member who us also visually impaired is coming.  The two of them will have to wait a long time before the actual meeting starts after the board meeting is over.  The other lady may get bored but Lynn will have a lot to do to get ready for the program she was to present to the club that evening.  It has been postponed several times to allow guest presenters to have their turn to speak.  It was getting difficult to line up one each month.  She was guaranteed to be ready anytime.  So, the ‘UN/International Program’ which usually was scheduled in October waited till April.  It was just as well.  Her usual partner during skits was getting old and was no longer able to perform.  Other club members were rather reluctant to take part in something that involved acting specially if Lynn had s comedy skit as usual.  This was not the usual presentation they expected, though.  A brave member who helped her do narration for previous skits and her first videotape agreed to play the part others did not want to.  She was going to be ‘Nostradamus’,  The title of the skit was ‘Nostradamus Visits WOWI’.  Lynn brought the cloak she was to wear over a black robe.  Lynn dressed up in a suede Native American outfit.  She did not realize how heavy it was till her ride arrived and she had trouble getting up into the SUV.


     “Let me have the suitcase.”  The board member suggested.


She still had trouble.


     “Your dress is heavier than you are.”


     “I hope I manage to dance as planned.”


     “It may be a good idea to stay covered up.  Yje manager of the hotel and his wife are planning to attend.  We may lose our contract to hold meetings there on account of indecent exposure.”


     The board meeting was held in the same room they were to meet in.  Lynn started uetting her props and equipment ready while waiting.  She fumbled her way to eventual success.  She hoped the tripod would hold all through the program.  Then focusing the video camera tok her time.  No one in the club had enough experience to do all that.  At least, someone was willing to take snapshots with the digital camera.  Of course, she had to show her how.


     Her skit partner was late.  She started setting up the dual deck audiotape recorder and inserted the audiotapes in the correct slots.  Then she laid out the props and testing the view through the camera.


     “Would you stand right there?”  She asked one of her clubmates.”  I want to make sure that the camera does not chop off our heads.”


     “That won’t be too good.”


     “No.  The International President will start wondering what kind of WOWI members we have here.  I already have her worried about a possible earthquake at the wrong place at the wrong time.  She may not believe me after seeing how we look.”


     “What earthquake?  We already had a big one in Cyprus, Turkestan, Chile and Argentina very close to that gloomy eclipse.”  Lynn stated.  “The guy who predicted those said there may be one in Hawaii soon after or towards the end of our International Convention.”


     “That would be very bad timing.”


     “ … specially because the ‘World Class Women are scheduled to hold theirs immediately after ours.  She’s attending that one too.”


     “Oh!  Oh!”


     “Is she cancelling ours?”


      “We don’t know.  I’m keeping tabs of how accurate this guy is.  On August 11, 1999, he was right on target. It seems like the subsequent ones on his list were gradually happening slightly farther and farther away ln time, place or both than expected. The last two were almost across the globe like they bounced off the target and hit elsewhere as a tsunami would after the earthquake.”


     “so, you’re hoping that this one would be deflected too?”


     “Boy!  You’re smart!”


      Lynn’s partner was nowhere in sight.  She put on the other character’s robe over her costume.


     “I may have to play both parts.”  She sighed.


     “That would be interesting.”


     “Wait till I get confused and mix the lines too.”


     The meeting started and so did the program.


     “It is with sadness that I present this program tonight.”  Lynn started.  “A group called ‘Al Qaeda’  took a group of American missionaries hostage in the Philippines today.  As you know, there are 25 to 30% Muslims and  70 to 75% Christians in our country.  The 25 to 30% Muslims know how to fight.  The 70 to 75% Christians do not or prefer not to.  This may be the beginning of another long struggle.”


     Lynn’s partner arrived.  She handed her the cloak to wear over her long black dress.


     The skit was not the usual comedy show  that the club was expecting.  She ended with a dance to the four ‘Power’ represented by the four ‘Directions’.  The real message may have been missed by most if not all except for one.  It was a good try.  They loved the dance and joined the prayer for PEACE.  The club member who gave her a ride asked for a copy of the script.  Lynn handed it to her before packing her paraphernalia.  Two other members reviewed portions of the script.


13 April 2000
UN/International Relations Program



Nostradamus Visits WOWI

Melinda D. Gutierez, M.D., F.A.C.O.G./GP (dr G)


Narrator: Here we go again!  For those who joined the club recently, let me explain that Melinda Gutierez has presented  crazy skits several times in the past.  Long time members are more or less used to this kind of event.  However, let me tell you that behind the comedy is a serious message and lesson.  Do enjoy and pay attention.


(Music plays, Zonta dances.)

Nostradamus: (Tilting bowl of water) Now what are you showing me?  (Gets a spoon, scoops water and pours it back into the bowl)  You mean who.  OK! (Looks around)  Wowi!  Good to see  you again.


Wowi:  (Softens music) You know me?


Nostradamus:  Of course!  We met years ago.


Wowi:  We did?


Nostradamus:  I came as Amelia Earhart that time.


Wowi:  ... and who are you this time?


Nostradamus:  Nostradamus.


Wowi:   (Stops music) ... and I thought that Amelia Earhart was too old to come back that time.  You are at least four times more ancient.


Nostradamus:  I can travel farther in time than most humans.


Wowi:  I know.  I read, talk and write about you enough that some people are beginning to think I am nuts.  If I even whisper that I saw you,  I will be in big trouble.


Nostradamus:  I have been in the same boat before.  That is why I wrote my predictions in a way that is difficult to figure out and at times with both a superficial and a deeper and more complicated explanation .


Wowi:  ... plus red herrings to throw people out of track quite often.


Nostradamus:  I had to do that or my work would have been labelled as witchcraft.

Wowi:  ... and burned.


Nostradamus:  ... with me at the stake.


Wowi:  Then we could have been spared the task of figuring out this July 1999 puzzle.


Nostradamus: You would then have the misfortune of facing what are due to happen without warning and missing  the opportunity to prevent or lessen the severity of these coming events.


Wowi:  Can we really change them?


Nostradamus:  Your web page says so.


Wowi:  You read my web page?!?


Nostradamus:  I have been following your updates closely right here.


Wowi:  (Looking around)  Where is your computer?


Nostradamus:  I do not need one.  (Holds bowl of water up)  This is my "Show and Tell".  It showed me a lot of things I did not care to know about.  A lot of them were so strange that I did not understand them at the time.


Wowi:  ... and you believed them anyhow?


Nostradamus:  At first I did not.  However, when things started to happen as I saw them, I started to believe.


Wowi:  You know of course that very few really know what you have written and most of those who do do not understand them.


Nostradamus:  ... and a great majority do not believe regardless of whether or not they understand.


Wowi:  Your efforts may not save us.


Nostradamus:  That is why I came in person.


Wowi:  This time please speak in plain English with dates that agree with our calendar not the ancient Astrological signs..


Nostradamus:  I still cannot give exact dates of some events by any method because some occurrences are subject to changes.


Wowi:  Due to what?


Nostradamus:  Your efforts to change them.  They may or may not happen at all or be postponed.


Wowi:  So what can you really tell me?


Nostradamus:  The July 1999 prediction covers only a very brief period in a short chapter in human history.


Wowi:  It covers 27 years.  That is not short.


Nostradamus:  Compared to my 400 and some years in underground storage,  it is nothing.


Wowi:  When do the 27 years end?


Nostradamus:  After the defeat and death of AntiChrist III.


Wowi:  Which is when?


Nostradamus: It depends on when you folks make it happen.


Wowi:  Some help you are.  At least tell me when the 27 years of World War III started so I can figure out when to expect relief.


Nostradamus:  I do not know.  I missed that.  I was asleep in my tomb till recently.


Wowi:  What woke you up?


Nostradamus:  An alarm clock.  It said: "In the year one thousand nine hundred ninety nine and seven months, World War III shall be well on its way."  Boy oh boy!  Did I wake up.


Wowi:  What took you so long to visit me?


Nostradamus: I had to read enough of your updates to figure out if this is the real point in time for the prediction or wait till 2087.


Wowi:  ... the alternate date for this prediction.


Nostradamus:  Right.


Wowi:  ... and you think 1999 versus 2087 is the right time  indicated by your friendly bowl?


Nostradamus:  Let me consult  (Spoons water from the bowl repeatedly.)  It was so long ago and I got confused by my own red herrings.  However, it is possible.


Wowi:  Why do you say that?


Nostradamus:  There are enough conflicts around the world.  A little bit more can make it widespread and worldwide alliances can make it generalized. On July 15, 1999, there was a sign in the sky.


Wowi:  "The King of Terror shall come out of the sky..."


Nostradamus:  There was a conjunction between Venus and the moon.  It looked  like the crescent and the star.


Wowi:  The symbol of Islam!


Nostradamus: On July 16, 1999, there was an event that caught the attention of the entire world.


Wowi:  JFK Jr. fell out of the sky and died.


Nostradamus:  The son of the first CATHOLIC president of the USA died.  "The kingdoms of the sea shall overcome those of the Church."


Wowi:  Muslims shall overcome Christians.


Nostradamus:  "He will wake up the King of Angoulmois."


Wowi:  The event revived memories of Camelot, the good old Kennedy days.


Nostradamus:  ... and the enthusiasm in space exploration.  On July 28, 1999, US Space Shuttle Columbia had a safe, manual landing by the first woman commander after trouble with fuel leaks in space.


Wowi: There was the long tailed comet to indicate that this is the time.


Nostradamus:  Some nuts accused it of being a destructive monster.


Wowi:  What about that red moon on January 20, 2000?


Nostradamus:  I don't know.


Wowi:  You said something about blood, thirst and famine when the comet runs out.


Nostradamus:  Probably.  The piece of brain with that memory was left in my tomb.  I was hastily recomposed for this occasion.  However, I might have meant real bloodshed and that has increased too.


Wowi:  Then there was the total solar eclipse on August 11, 1999.  A futurist said that the countries that were under its shadow will experience great stress.  Turkey, Afghanistan, India had the biggest disasters so far.


Nostradamus:  As predicted, there were earthquakes, floods, fires, famine.  There shall be more misfortunes.  It is severe famine leading to cannibalism that needs to be prevented.  It is this factor that would make leaders of affected countries desperate enough to wage bigger wars.


Wowi:  How do we prevent all these?


Nostradamus: Increase disaster preparedness and prevent disasters to begin with!


Wowi:  Sure!  I just tell Mother Nature  and her two children to quit playing tricks.  Right?


Nostradamus:  Children?


Wowi:  El Nino and La Nina.


Nostradamus:  Stop ruining the earth.  You must have reasonable ecologic balance for geological powers to behave.


Wowi: Big words!  Now, in simple language ... what are we doing now to mess up our weather so much?


Nostradamus:  Among many things, you are burning too  much fossil fuels and accumulating too much carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.


Wowi:  That would supposedly create a greenhouse effect.


Nostradamus:  ... and global warming which in turn leads to severe weather changes.


Wowi:  We had severe storms, earthquakes and floods lately.


Nostradamus:  You also had much higher casualties and economic losses

from disasters within the last few years.


Wowi: The International Red Cross and Red Crescent said so.


Nostradamus:  People have not learned from previous experiences.  Crowded

slums are located on or at the foot of barren hills and get burried in mud slides.

Some live on volcano slopes or flood plains and rebuild in the same places after

the emergencies are over.


Wowi:  What about the possibility of nuclear war?


Nostradamus:  Again, that depends on you folks.  You can have it full blast or

avoid it.  Along with weapons of mass destruction, the effects are extremely

devastating and long lasting if not permanent.


Wowi:  What can individuals like myself do?


Nostradamus: Spread the word.  Talk to local, national and international leaders.  Tell them to have strict international measures to avoid the misuse of nuclear power and weapons of mass destruction.


Wowi:  Most common people will not have access to leaders at any level.  What

can they do?


Nostradamus:  Be at peace with the Creator Who controls all powers of nature and the destinies of all planets.  Everyone can wish and hope for peace.  Most people can pray.


Wowi:  (Starts music and dances)  Some can meditate and visualize.


Nostradamus:  What are you doing?


Wowi:  (Turns off music)  All of the above.


Nostradamus.  Dance is exercise and maybe art.  I do not know about the rest.


Wowi:  Dance is prayer, meditation and visualization.  I shall now dance to request the spirits of the four directions to balance their powers for peace throughout the world.


Nostradamus:  What do I do?


Wowi:  (Hands him a peace pipe)  Send signals to the spirits.


Nostradamus:  Holy Smokes!



Green stands for the West or Water which is vital for plant and animal life.

Yellow stands for  the East or the Sun which warmth and energy are essential for growth and survival.

Black stands for the North or Bringer of Storms who distributes water throughout the world.

White stands for Mother Earth who nourishes and protects us.

(Native American flute music; Four Directions Dance)


Narrator:  Let us now stand up and pray for world peace.



Dear almighty Father

Please calm the earth,

divert storm waters to areas of need,

grow food in every nation,

resolve conflicts throughout the globe,

prevent nuclear and mass destruction weapons use ...

for peace all over the world.



     “Remember all the items mentioned in the skit.”  Lynn said.  “As events unroll you can see which predictions actually came true in ways we never would think of.  That is the biggest problem with Nostradamus.  The way he wrote things, you most of the time have to use hindsight.  Then you see a mental image of him grinning and reminding us that he told us so.”


     “I wish he wrote in plain English.”


     “That would have been the same as jumping into the fire with or without a stake or putting the noose around his own neck.  He actually instructed his son not to deal with the family gift of prophesy.”


     “So what did he become?”


     “ … An Astronomist.  He had to figure out the dates his father referred to by celestial signs as far in the future as at least three thousand years.”


     “Did he make sense of anything?”


     “If he did, he did not say so.  He did not deny anything either.”


     The following month, Lynn kept studying the pattern of earthqu7ake prediction and actual site and date of occurrences.  The first week pased without incident.  One of Nostradamus quartrains was supposed to happen on May 9, 2000 according to the modern interpreters of the controversial predictions.  ‘Sun twentieth of Taurus’ was supposed to happen that date.  All of those experts said that the Roman Coliseum would be damaged.  Lynn knew that Nostradamus would not predict something already obvious.  Sure enough, it was a shock wave that forever damaged the entire world … ‘WWW’.  The man who created the ‘Love Bug’ was arrested in Manila, Philippines on May 8, 2000 on that side of the International Dateline.  It was May 9, 2000 on the US side of the globe.  He was ‘just helping’ the less financially able to access the INTERNET.


Nostradamus: Century 9, Quartrain 83, Lines 1-4

“Sun twentieth of Taurus, great trembling in the earth,

It will ruin the great theater filled:

To darken and trouble air, sky and land.

Then the infidel will call upon God and saints.”


     “He probably  swore by Them to convince the authorities of his feigned innocence.”  Lynn smirked.   


     She sent a message to the WOWI International President.  She advised her not to worry about a physical disaster around the time of the two conventions.  There may be problems elsewhere. 


     She replied … “Thanks.  I am not ready to cash my chips yet.”.


     We may indeed be worried about chips and bytes and bugs in stead.  The initial damage cost billions of dollars not to mention  the consequences of loss or viral infection of critical files.


     2000 was a nerve wracking year.  The presence of Al Qaeda in the Philippines was proven.  Several hostages were taken at different times.  Storms increased in frequency and strength.  Intergovernmental clashes became more serious.  Chechnya, Kosovo and surrounding areas were in the news constantly.  Russia had to use ‘Sleeping Gas’ against terrorists.  Persecution of Christians and other religious groups were reported in different areas.  There were more unconfirmed sightings of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the strangest places. 


     On 12 April 2001, an American hostage in the Southern Philippines was rescued by the military.  Al Qaeds members threatened to behead him as a ‘birthday gift’ to the president.  He was not meant to die.  He probably was a reminder of what may be expected around 2009.  Egyptian President Anwar Sadat wa assassinated in 1981.  Israel Prime Minister Izaak Rabin similarly met his death in 1995.  Both names were seen by readers of the Bible Code along with names of their respective assassinators.  Hopefully no Christian head od state meets the same fate 14 years from the last national tragedy.  Pray very hard.


September 11, 2001

Nostradamus: Century 6, Quartrain 97. Lines 1 - 4


“At 45 degrees the sky will burn,

Fire to approach the great new city:

In an instant a great scattered flame will leap up,

When one will demand proof of the Normans.”


     Lynn turned on the TV-VCR in the kitchen as she always did early in the morning while preparing breakfast prior to dressing up for work.  Peter Jennings was saying something he was not too sure about.  She turned the sound louder.  She heard him better but still did not understand what he was worried about.  It was some strange event in New York City.  By then, most people were already at work.  Arizonans were just getting up.  It was a rude awakening.  She quickly inserted a videocassette tape in the VCR slot.  She hurried up with her preparations, started breakfast and was ready to go to the bedroom to dress up when he mentioned a report by someone that an object may have struck one of the towers of the World Trade Center.  She quickly gobbled up her food and poured coffee to be more awake.  A co-worker at the TV station said the object was a large plane.  Then the plane was identified as possibly a commercial passenger plane.  A caller confirmed the report.  Then another one hit the other tower.  She ran to the bathroom and hurriedly started dressing.  She could not hear the news in there.  She ran back to the kitchen.  The TV screen showed  lots of smoke or dust.  Then there was fire.  She resumed dressing up as quickly as possible.  She sneaked to the kitchen again.  Firemen have arrived.  Alright.  Things should be under control soon.  When she returned, one tower has already collapsed.  Firemen were trapped in the inferno!!!  There was a third plane probably en route to the White House!!! 


     “This is WAR!!!”  she moaned.


     Lynn walked to her office as fast as she could manage while squinting against the the extra bright Arizona morning sun.  She planned to notify as many people as she could before all means of communications fail.  No patient was waiting in the parking lot or the front shaded patio.  She should be able to send some fax messages to key people.  She tried to reach the editor  of the local paper first.  The fax template in her computer still had something saved from the previous day.  It was for the local Chamber of Commerce.  She modified the date and body of the message.  She printed it and sent the first outgoing fax of the day.  The second went to the editor and the rest went to churches with a fax number listed in the phone book.  Then she looked at patient chart records.  One worked for a church in a different town and a few others for important estabihments.  She knew which ones had a fax number listed and which would be able to communicate to others quickly.


     A patient charged in without an appointment.


     “I bet it was Saddam’s doing!”  She cried angrily.


     “No.  Someone else did what he would have loved to happen.”  Lynn corrected her.


     To her surprise, Saddam actually expressed sympathy with the USA for what occurred.  He probably understood more than anyone else the impact of such a crippling blow to a proud leader and his proud nation.  At this unique instant, his hear was genuinely with US.”


     The lady in charge of the local paper’s Advertising Department showed up that morning.  She said the third plane may have been taken down by the military.  Later, someone said it swooped down and slammed into the back of the Pentagon starting a deadly fire.  The White House was spared.


     A male patient came in looking more depressed than usual.  He felt so helpless and still thought he was too helpless to do any fighting if required.  Another male patient was the opposite.  He would volunteer.  He did not appear to be on the correct shape to do so.


     “You better increase your running speed.”  Lynn advised.  Your life may depend on it.”


     “I have enough reserved calories right here.”  He laughed  and patted his mid section.  “I should have enough energy for multiple surges.”


     An elderly male  patient blamed poverty on the part of the terrorist and the countries they hail from as an adverse factor in world relations.


     “They are jealous and it does not help that we keep flounting our excesses on the media.  Besides, we confirm at the same time that we are all sex and violence.  We are empty creatures with no souls except the corrupt kind.  The Ayatollah Khomeini was perfectly right about us.”


     A woman described the attack as ‘a very effective wake up call.  All the signs showed it would happen eventually but we did not pay attention.


     “Now we are forced to do something.  Unfortunately, our response may actually make matters worse forever.”


     Another woman came crying.  She was distressed that the USA was no longer at the top.  She apparently did not hear or listen to all the warnings of those in the service about the dangers of the sizing down of the armed forces and defense paraphernalia since two presidents ago.  A pregnant female soldier who spoke during a recent WOWI program said the very same thing.


     “We are no longer the top force.  We do not have enough manpower and arms to fight wars on three fronts.  Even engaging in one at a time may be difficult resulting in more losses of personnel and hardware than usual.  Our only hope is to keep the battle outside our own territory and practice intense diplomacy and prevention.”


     At 8:58 a.m. on September 11, 2001, the battle literally hit New York City.  A hijacked plane crashed into the North Tower of the World Trade Center.  Minutes later, a second one flew into the South Tower.  A third plane crashed into the Pentagon.


      We have to make sure that this does not happen again and that our response if needed would be reasonably localized.  Also, as the speaker has mentioned, women may need to fill in for men both at home and at the war front in land, air and sea.  Space was not mentioned.


     After work, Lynn caught up with the news on TV and the local paper.  Their older daughter had a message in the answering machine.  Flight 93 was headed twice towards the airport control tower close to where she spent a year of Family Practice Residency in ten years ago.  No one was hurt.  The family that looked after her lived in the vicinity.  The plane flew right above them.  For some reason, the plane veered away twice and disappeared from the radar screen after the second time and crashed ten miles away in a non-populated area in Shanksville, Pennsylvania.  That was a close call.


     Apparently, there was a fourth hijacked plane adding to the havoc that day.  It may have been meant to attack Air Force One, the White House or Camp David.  The president was in a classroom in Florida answering students’ questions when he was informed of the initial attacks.  He finished the session.  Then the Presidential Battalion had a big undertaking to carry out.  They had to transport him instantly to wherever may be a safer place at the time.  The White House was probably the last place in the list but there he went later.  In the meantime, the Strategic Air Command has been activated.  Later investigations revealed that the flight attendants of the first two planes managed to relay messages to the ground crew of the airline identifying the terrorists by seat assignments.  Relatives and friends of passengers on Flight 93 were able to make cell phone calls indicating their plan to take matters in their hands.  The black box record confirmed the sound of breaking dishes just before the crash.  The pilot’s conversation with an unknown person not on board the plane was also available later.  He was asking if it were time to crash the plane.  Whether or not the passengers were able to break into the cockpit and take control of the flight or the pilot on his own or per concurrence with the other person may never be determined.  There were reports of F-16’s plus a white plane at the vicinity.  There may have been others elsewhere.  It should not have been a surprise to anyone.  It only made sense that such a response could have happened.  The controller watching the first two planes called in a warning.  Flight 93 attracted attention.  The Air Tower in Johnstown was notified of the plane headed directly towards it and was directed to take necessary action.  Non-essential personnel were evacuated.  The report of the radar findings, conversations between air towers and passenger cell phone records were all published in the Johnstown newspaper.  All known airborne vehicles were directed to airports to go to and STAY GROUNDED in till further notice. 


     Lynn once more turned to the computer.  This time, she sent messages to to family, friends, associates and others in her address book.  She wanted everyone to know what happened while she was still able to


     A message sent her by the lady who gave her a ride to the WOWI meeting contained a quartrain from Nostradamus’ prophesies.  It was also about ‘the New City’.  However, of the four quartrains, only two referred to New York City.  The other two were about other locations.  This was not the one that was used by the interpreters to forcast a ‘9-11’ caliber calamity.  This one was the other.  It also was about New York City.  It contained the made up word ‘ARETUSA’ whichmans ‘Stop USA’.  It narrated an episode of two stones warring each other for some time reddening a new river and people being forced to drink water contaminated with sulphur.  Later, a Spanish speaking man appeared on TV.  Lynn’s husband calls her attention to the broadcast.  Lynn asked her husband to interpret what the man said and write down the number of the Century and Quartrain quoted.  He was referring to the same passage sent by someone all around the world by e-mail.


     “Yes, this is about New York City but this is not what happened today.”  Lynn argued.  This describes a volcanic event.  It belongs in the future.  New York City is to face a bigger disaster yet.  We have no clue about the date.  Nostradamus did not include an Astrological sign.  We have to correlate this with Edgar Cayce’s predictions to have a reasonable guess.”


     “When is yours?”


     “ … Plus or minus 2017 when the continent splits into four sections on or about the time of the ‘Big One’.”


     “That’s a long time from now.”


     “ … long enough to be ready but not necessarily long enough to die first to avoid it.”


     Among the planes stranded somewhere in the wake of 9-11 was the sister Avro Avian piloted by a female Dental Surgeon and the plane flown by her support crew.  They were in the process of reenacting Amelia Earhart’s less known record flight … ‘The First Solo Transcontinental and Back Flight by a Woman, … in 1928.  They were supposed to arrive in town on September 13 but they were still grounded at the time.  It would have been 73 years since Amelia Earhart accidentally damaged the skin of her plane while turning it around prior to departure on her first visit to town.  She tore a handkerchief and used a portion to patch her plane.  She then split the other half between the man who serviced her plane and one of the boys who watched it the night before.  Each portion was signed by her.   September 13, 2001 also was the date of the club’s scheduled monthly meeting.  Doc was expected to show up at least briefly.  It was September 29, 2001 when she and her crew landed in the Municipal Airport.  She displayed the American flag outside the plane’s East window as it taxied to a stop. A lady who met Amelia on her 1928 visit was honored by allowing her to sign her name on the undersurface of one of the plane’s wings.   Later that evening, Doc had a dinner with a few club members. 


.  The hangar used by the guests belonged to the grandson of a club member.  Her brother saw the autographed piece of handkerchief displayed in the home of the son of one of the receipients of the signed souvenirs.


     Amelia Earhart’s first visit to town was a total surprise.  No one knew she was in the process of making a record flight.  She was supposedly just on her way to attend an air show in California.  The founding president of the local  club wrote about Amelia’s visit. She was a young news reporter at the time and later became the town’s Postmaster.  Amelia’s many stops were kept secret.  Lynn discovered just a handful when she did a video documentary of her findings.


     Doc’s visit was planned, scheduled and announced but was delayed by events surrounding 9-11.  ‘dr G’ wrote about her visit.  AmeliaEarhart had a lot more stops than was previously known. Doc managed to find out about all of them and visited each site.  In the process, she made a unique record flight … ‘The First and Only Reenactment of an Amelia Earhart Record Flight by a Woman Interrupted by 9-11’.


     Pope John Paul II expressed his anguish about the anger level in the world leading to such dreadful  violence against fellow human beings.   He worried about spiraling hatred as a result.   While a few considered an attempt to understand each other and ourselves leading to mutual self improvement and forgiveness of others, most people rallied even stronger to the ancient battle cry … ‘A tooth for a tooth … an eye for an eye!  Lynn whispered the same old refrain that no one seemed to pay attention to … 


     “Love your neighbor as yourself.”


     In some areas of the world there were actually scenes of rejoicing.  Ever since Satan refused to bow to Adam and later persuaded Eve to disregard God’s word and Adam followed suit, creatures of God have been busy hating each other.  They caused trouble for each other and consequently for themselves.  Sibling rivalry became the rule.  Cain killed Able.  Abraham was childless so he had a son by his wife’s slave as  allowed at the time.  Then Sarah, his wife, had their mutual son, Isaac.  Ismael and his Egyptian mother, Hagar, were sent away.  Edom demanded food and was denied.  He ended up surrendering his birthright.  Israel became the leader of the clan.  Permanent enmity between the said pairs ensued.  So the world was doomed to unresolved conflicts reflected by deadly clashes between groups of people who originally were part of the same family … Israelites against Edomites,  Descendants of Ismael against Jews,  and so on.


     Joseph was sold by his brothers to passing Egyptian merchants.  He became a slave but rose to power when he correctly interpreted the pharoah’s dream.  It was about impending crop failure.  Joseph advised him to save grain for future use.  This averted famine in the kingdom.  His Israelite family, in the meantime, was not so lucky. They journeyed to Egypt to survive.  Joseph recognized them and gave them land to till and live in.  Time passed and Israelites fell from their standing in society.  A woman told her daughter to place her brother in a basket to float on the water when the princess comes to bathe.  The princess saw the baby and raised him as her own.  His name was Moses.  When Moses delivered his people from Egypt, King Rameses II pursued them.  The waters of the Sea of Reeds parted to allow the fleeing followers of Moses to pass on an elevated ridge of dry land and fell back to drown the Egyptian army in pursuit.  During the forty year saga across the desert to Canaan, the promised land, the Israelites fought many battles not only against Egyptians but also other enemies.  The list of wars went on and on to the present day.  The Romans conquered them and demolished their rebuilt temple.  When Islam became a predominat force, the Muslims devastated them.  Mohammad supposedly ascended into heaven from the same site the temple was and also where Isaac was almost offered as a sacrifice by Abraham to God.  The ‘Holy Sepulchre’ of Christ may also be there.  Muslims and Jews are fighting a hopeless war to win the site.  They refuse to share the same spot.  Coptic and Ethiopian Christians also dispute ownership or control of a chapel at the site but so far have not engaged in war.  How about a multistory grand edifice?  Will they fight about who gets to do the climbing to offer a sacrifice?  … Most likely!  That at least can be considered.  Most of the original temple floors are below the surface anyhow.  Allowing more extensive Archeological exploration would better reveal where the real location of the Holy of Holies was or where the Ark of the Covenannt may have been hidden.  However, it might be unlikely to find it there at this point.


     Different factions of the same groups rose against each other.  Palestinians and Israelites batlle for every inch of land across borders in the original Palestine.  Sunnis and Shihites battled each other over recognition as the direct descendants of Mohammad and over which family the Ihmam Mahdi is supposed to come or came from. There were more complicated divisions later. 


     Israelites had enemies since ancient times.  When groups later supported them, the enemies turned against the supporters.  Though the beginnings of clashes were relatively simple, the solutions are not.


     After Christ’s death,  there was a long period of persecution of Christians by pagan Romans.  Then there was a process of unification among the early churches and later ones.  Interpretations of teachings of Jesus were understood differently by various groups.  Writings by the Apostles came late and spoken tradition with various interpretations spread faster.  Early leaders were predominantly Jewish and greatly influenced original rules and practices of the fast growing religion.  It took a converted Roman emperor to compile a standard copy of the bible.  He, unfortunately, had to select which versions of the same stories to include and which stories with or without variations to throw out.  Gnosticism was excluded early on.  Later appearing writings though probably quite authentic and enlightening were not considered for insertion in the official ‘Holy Book’.  To top it all, copies of the ‘Lost Books’ as well as writings of Essenes and other observers also survived and were discovered even much later.  Some may have been the equivalent of news reports or even tabloids but some were probably critical missing pieces of the puzzle that can resolve internal conflicts threatening to farther fragment the once ‘One Holy Catholic Apostolic Church’.  Each group steadfastly stuck to their versions of the truth’.   The huge differences are proofs of inconsistencies in perspective, observation, interpretation, recording and inherent errors in translation from one language to several others.  Some ‘mysteries’ of the Bible have been at least proven to have happened though still not explained adequately.  Most are still myths and a good number may remain such.  Archaeological findings are slowly changing our concept of how long man has been on the planet and how organisms including us started.  The Bible has been proven true from time to time.  We have also been prover wrong in our explanations of how events unfolded.  We have to be patient.  There is an explanation for EVERYTHING.  We simply do not know a lot of them.


     Only men are allowed to be priests because Jesus and the twelve Apostles were male.  However, the three most constant companions of Jesus were His mother Mary,   His aunt Mary Cleopas and relative through St. Ann Mary Magdalene.  The guys were trained to do the leg work.  The ladies were the administrators.  In addition, a group of women also went everywhere to work with the three Mary/s.  During the Last Supper, according to the Visionary Sister Catherine Emmerich, the women stayed in a different room with the Blessed Mother.  On Pentecost Day, both men and women were present in the ‘Upper Room’ and were each enlightened by tongues of fire from the Holy Spirit  … equally.  Jesus said that His disciples shall be recognized through the powers they received that day to perform miracles, speak different languages, heal the sick, cast out demons in His name among other feats … EQUALLY.


     The reigning pope of the period ordered the Crusades after years of Muslim attack on Jerusalem as well as on travelers making pilgrimages to the Holy Land.  Hospitals were set up to care for sick and injured children.  The Hospitaliers were thr Knights Templar.  They were elite  warrior volunteers from religious orders in Europe.  Part of their duties was to safeguard money and treasures carried by the pilgrims.  Later, the riches were deposited in safe establishments and collected at the destinations.  The system saved lives and also developed an innovative precursor to the modern banking system.  This made the Muslims more aggressive in their methods of assault but enriched the Templars.  The knights were exemplary fighters and builders.  The ruins of the Jewish Temple became their headquarters.  Well built strongholds were erected from scratch or from ruins of previous edifices.  They were made to resist the worst attacks and maintain safe functional existence within.  They were Architectural marvels.  They were thorns in the sides of Muslim leaders till the fall of the Knights Templar.  The memories of them continued to inflame the rage of the Muslims against both Jews and Christians.


     When a strange plague occurred in Europe killing a third of the population, the lack of concrete explanation for the cause frightened the western nations.  A witch hunt started.  So did the Inquisition.  The only religious female war hero in Catholic history was among the victims of the burning stake.  St. Joan of Arc had no reason to be suspected of witchcraft except for the ‘unlikely ability to lead armies to war so impossible to accomplish as an innocent woman free of the devil’.  She was accused of some crime punishable by death.


     During the ‘Little Ice Age’, severe malnutrition caused poor function of the brain in susceptible individuals.  Women were usually more anemic than men, washed out of nutrition from the strain of childbearing and continuous work keeping the household going plus tending the farm and fending marauders in the absence of men.  Furthermore, mothers had a terrible habit of saving the meager scraps of food for the children.  They also were more imaginative and saw visions which later merged with hallucinations.  As the food deprivation with accompanying poor supply of oxygen, enzymes persisted, unhealthy neurons turned dysfunctional.  They were branded as ‘WITCHES’ and burned at the stake. 


     So, women obviously were not prime candidates for priesthood at those times.  Women were not prime candidate for anything in ancient times.


      During very ancient times, Enoch supposedly warned women to cover their beautiful hair because the fallen angels were so attracted by them.  Some did not listen and were defiled giving birth later to a generation of giants.  These giants eventually ate themselves out of food and started devouring humans.  Towers were built to enable man to watch for coming giants.  Ingestion of blood was frowned upon as uncharitable and later prohibited.  There is no more race of giants.  Aside from health related precautions mentioned in Leviticus, which made sense during a long journey in the desert, use of blood products in a safe manner need no longer be completely refused.  Untill the present day, some cultures still demand the wearing of veils.  The Roman Catholic Church lifted the requirement for lay women to wear one in church and allowed women in the religious order to expose part or all of their hair as well as wear regular clothes in stead of habits on some occasions. 


     There is no logical reason for the Canon Law to specifically ban women from priesthood unless the original writers and subsequent editors were not cognizant of the normal physiology of the female body.  Most of the restrictions arose from the presumption that the female body gets unclean during certain times such as menstruation, irregular bleeding, miscarriage and childbirth.  Old Israeli traditions do include practices that are based on these natural functions which do not automatically render the female unclean.  Islamic and other old Eastern cultural and religious practices and traditions also include these restrictions and enforce  them during religious occasions such as the Haj.  Special celebrations and parties are postponed during such times.  Women do not work those times.  Yes, it would have created havoc in the sharing of duties based on 24-7 schedules.  Some women in some countries do not wear protective clothing to eliminate creating a mess.  Yes, that would make a temple look less presentable.  Times have changed.  Menstruation can be controlled, scheduled, postponed or eradicated and childbearing prevented as needed.   The Roman Catholic Church has gradually and wisely removed some of these restrictions.  In time, there should be an awakening befitting the regulation writers’ education and intelligence.  Some would gradually conclude that if a number of restrictions and related rules are wrong, the majority may be wrong and if so maybe ALL of them are wrong.  The Blessed  Virgin Mary was subject to Purification after the birth of her Son.  Who is this Son Who so defiled the body of this WOMAN who in a dogma was declared THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION?  JESUS CHRIST!!!


     Priests are not allowed to be married and have to be celibate because ‘Jesus and the Apostles were so’.  St. Peter was married.  His wife was martyred before he was.  Aside from him and John, the marital status of the apostles were not mentioned.  It is a strikingly unexpected rule if it truly was made by the early Jewish heads of the Church.  Procreation was a sacred duty.  St Anne’s husband Joachim’s donation to the temple was rejected because he was considered unworthy by virtue of being childless.  It would be even more surprising if this edict were a strong stand by Church leaders to affirm that men are no longer obligated to reproduce.  It seems to be completely contrary to tradition and may even be a way to defer having a family.  It was necessary to reproduce when the human race was made up of Adam and Eve only.  It would have been difficult when the Apostles were preaching all over the world and Christians were being persecuted. The Knights Templar had to stay away from their original homes and at risk for death.  Famines and mass starvation specialy of innocent children who had no participation in the decision to be born probably opened the eyes of the wise.  ALLELUJAH!!!  Still, a complete reversal of the obligation to reproduce to complete prohibition is quite extreme.  Since ancient times, some Ascetic religious groups practiced abstinence.  It was part of devotion and sacrifice.


      There were pitfalls as expected of a developing hierarchy including anomalies in succession and morality.  Rules and regulations were originally patterned after those of Jewish life.  Restrictions and uniqueness were kept with iron persistence.  As substances today are ‘grandfathered’ as ‘Generally Accepted Safe’  or ‘GAS” after time, some items in the Canon Law’ were ‘GAA’ generally accepted authentic after centuries of unsuccessful contest.  There were changes but few and far apart.  As in FDA approved medicines and substances, safety has been disproven at times but infrequently and only after a lot of tragedies or fortunate enlightenment.


       On 11 November,  the Holy Spirit enlightened another group of people during the General Episcopal Synod held in town from the tenth to the twelfth of that month.  On the eleventh, the ordination of women to higher orders was discussed. This was Lynn’s first time to be present during an actual decision making discussion of ordaining women priests.   She read about previous arguments about why priest have to be men and NOT women.  The Canon Law actually says women ordained priests have to be excommunicated.  She also read a commentary showing portions that were applicable in the past.  Included was “Women may not receive Holy Communion while on their monthly periods.”  She also rememberered rules less shocking than this when she was young.  They have been gradually eliminated.  However, the presumed uncleanness of the female individual during normal physiological bodily functions programmed by God Himself and erroneously translated into the presumed inferiority of women still is the UNWRITTEN RULE.  No one ever mentions or admits the relationship between the two.  Instead the focus was on the need for a physical male human body as required by the liturgy and the gender of Jesus Christ and His chosen apostles.  Also in focus was the need for a male figure to symbolize authority.  


     It is clear from the spoken words of the mass that the celebrant is neither Jesus Christ nor the Apostles and the only spoken male designation in the NICCA mass is the pronoun “he” after the Consecration and the “Adeste Fideles”.  This  most likely was used to avoid repetition of the words  “this servant”.  “This humble servant” or “this subject”.   These words CAN BE REPEATED and can be re-substituted for the word “he”.  The rest of the male pronouns were written by the script writer to describe what the various players are to do.  Specific designations like Celebrant, Deacon, etc. can be used.   A symbol of male authority is not needed.  We believe that the duly ordained Celebrant, male or female has the authority to say mass and the power to change the bread and the wine into the Body and the Blood of Jesus Christ.  Such authority and power are received through an unbroken line of Apostolic Ordination.


     Then a new argument was mentioned.  We need the masculine energy.  “Kings from the East, please come back and share your knowledge with us ‘modern’ Westerners.”  Ancient Eastern cultures have a better grasp of the concept of energy.  Energy is a force not a being.  The main one in ancient Chinese philosophy is tau.  This is composed of two groups of opposing forces called yin and yang, female and male not because they have genders but because like the human female and male, they are exactly opposite each other.  They therefore COMPLEMENT, not kill each other.  Their delicate balance gives rise to harmony called chi which is the life giving energy.  In religious parlance, this is the spirit or the soul.  In poetic language this is the breath of life.  In medicine it is the presence of Vital Signs. 


     The concept of energy, yin and yang are applied to everything in life such as professions, arts, sciences, jobs, etc. The masculine energy, derived from the yang group is the combination of authority and power that are essential to priesthood as licensure and certified successful training are to doctors.  The female energy is the group of traits necessary to perform duties and daily functions.


     The bishops went to a separate room to further discuss the issue and then vote.  Lynn left to go to another meeting so did not hear about the crucial arguments and verdict till the following Sunday.  Human beings are made of body and soul.  Allelujah!!!  She got it!!!  The soul mentioned above is the living, thinking, reasoning, theosophical immortal part.  This receives the authority and power transmitted through ordination.  The gender possessing body is the mortal part made of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, minerals and water.  Minus the water it is biblical ash.  It gets discarded eventually.   So the NICCA decided to follow the steps of the Old Catholic Churches of Germany, Austria and Switzerland which started ordaining women priests in 1982 and Utrecht in 1999.   One woman was ordained to priesthood by a courageous and forward looking Roman Catholic bishop in the underground Church of Communist Koinnoites, Czechoslovakia on 28 December 1970 in the midst of persecution and repression of the Catholic Church.  There is no plan to ordain more.  However, Epiphany comes every year and at times when there is a special need.  There is hope.


     Inspired by the grace of God, the Magi came to participate in the ongoing co-celebration of the first mass,  said by God the Son Who became man and the first human priest … a woman … Mary.  They travelled from afar to be blessed during a special viewing of the Blessed Sacrament and to partake of the true Eucharist as Epiphany.  They used their newfound knowledge responsibly.  They foiled King Herod’s plan to eliminate Jesus Christ by keeping the latter’s location secret and leaving  in three separate groups and directions.  Wherever they went, they proclaimed the birth of the Messiah to all humanity, past, present and future, Male and Female.


     Those present during the Synod wanted more details about the ordination of the female Roman Catholic priest in The Communist country.  Lynn consulted her notes.  She found the article she saw on the Internet.  It said:


     ‘Among the Churches in communion with the Pope, one courageous and forward thinking bishop ordained Ludmila Javorova on 28 December 1970 in the Hidden Church in Communist Koinoites, Czechoslovakia.  Bishop Felix Maria Davidek had a vision.  Under the special faculties invoked by Pope Pius XI in Mexico in the 1920’s and re-invoked in the Eastern block communist countries in the 1940’s and extended by Pope Pius XII in the 1950’s to ensure surval of the Catholic Church under persecution and repression, he was going to keep the Church alive by providing for duly ordained bishops and priests in Koinoites.  The special faculties authorized each bishop to consecrate only one bishop to take over when the main bishop gets arrested or dies.  The bishop can ordain several priests.  The biggest problem was that he was a priest and there was no bishop.  A complicated and daring plan to have a candidate for priesthood travel outside the state, be ordained deacon then priest and then consecrated as a bishop and return to consecrate Davidek who becomes the visible bishop while the one consecrated abroad remains the hidden bishop till the proper time to assume duties.  A scientist scheduled to give a talk outside the state and able to procure travel permission as well as smuggle a letter written in Latin explaining the situation was dispatched.  Ludmila was instrumental in the planning and success of Koinotes’ religious survival.  She did the dangerous footwork while managing to avoid alerting the secret police.  She later became Davidek’s Vicar-general.’ 


     “She wrote the reigning Pope about her ordination but did not receive a reply till after the area was liberated from Communist rule.  The Pope requested her to give up her duties then.  Her job was done.  She complied.”


     “Was she excommunicated?”




     “She was lucky.”


     “The reigning Popes during her term were cognizant of the needs of the diocese as well as surrounding areas.  She risked the possibility but considered the souls of others first.  She knew what excommunication means.  To those who were not in a position to avail themselves of the sacraments, it meant the situation akin to a child drowning and desperately grasping for the parents’ helping hands knowing that not one would be there.”


     “Being a priest changed matters, though.”


     “Yes, of course.  She was able to say mass and consecrate the Holy Eucharist herself.  A total cut off from the main trunk would have been devastating.  She prevented that.”


     “I suppose the bishop was her confessor and who probably gave her permission for self confession.”


     “Things were probably simpler and less technical than that with God.  She had faith and was rewarded.”


     “I do not want to be a priest.”  A woman said.  “However, I can see the necessity for women to fill the need in exceptional situations like that.  It may not exactly be right in the war zone but at home.  We lost a lot of men the past few years alone and may lose quite a bit more soon.  Women have to take over different roles left vacant.  Priesthood is too important to leave vacant.  If some of us are not so inspired, maybe others would be.”


     “Back to the war front, women may be needed simply to help in some peculiarly unique jobs.  Here is an example … “  Lynn said pulling out a copy of a script used in a skit she presented to the club earlier in the year.  She accidentally inserted it in her folder with the other notes but decided to keep it there.  “ … Might as well make use of this.”


AE and Joey


Lynn: Hello!  This is a DUAL FIRST for the club.  It is the FIRST Combination Amelia Earhart and Status of Women Program and the FIRST Amelia Earhart Program without our dear friend Muriel.  Let me start by saying that I miss her.  After I get started, you would miss her more than I do.  Those who have been in the club long enough are familiar with Shannah’s usual introduction … ‘Here we go again!’ … after which Muriel and I proceeded with our crazy skits.  They were fun but also meant to send important messages if you happen to listen between laughter.  We practiced beforehand.  I explained the moral of the story so she would know how to act and dress for the part.  Each episode was a very serious matter for her.  I was happy for the privilege of writing them.  Then she got too ‘senior’ to continue.  So, she had to sadly stop her short acting career.  Actually, she was not acting.  She was teaching!  Now I am back alone but with two jobs.  It may be a double treat or another FIRST … DISASTER!!  If Muriel were here, she would be playing Amelia Earhart’s statue.  I would play Joey.  By the way, Joey is real and truly did dangerous spying jobs.  I just play the make believe version.  That is as heroic as I can go.  Since I have to play both characters, I’ll be switching costumes with each change in role.  Also, we have exactly 10 minutes to do this program.  I am truly sorry to say that you may have to guess the ending.  Here is the beginning of the story.  (distributes copies of “Save Amelia Bronzing Project” – a program presented by a sister club in California).


(Lynn wears jacket and holds PBS, propeller blade substitute as AE; takes off jacket and wears one of two masks as Joey)


AE:  Watch it!  You are stepping on my flower garden.


Joey: There is a Japanese arsenal buried here.


AE:  Says who?


Joey: Sgt. Jackson. (points at the WOWI Club president)


AE:  I have to tell Franklin and Eleanor.  I hope they are in the White House right now.


Joey:  Franklin and Eleanor?   White House? Now?  Who do you think you are?


AE:  I am Amelia Earhart.  Ernest Shelton sculpted me in 1971. I have been standing on this high and very narrow pedestal since then. It makes me dizzy.  To help me keep my balance he gave me one huge, heavy propeller blade to hold on to like this.  (holds Propeller Blade Substitute … a blind person’s folding walking stick … PBS … like a staff with the handle down) 


Joey:  Very skinny propeller blade!  No wonder your plane went down.


AE: I don’t have the real thing in my closet.  This is all I can manage to carry to the meeting.  So it is rather skinny.  Say he did not have enough materials.  It came from my Electra … you know … the plane that went swimming with me in the Pacific.  Anyhow, In 1988, he had to patch up cracks here and there.


Joey:  We all need some kind of repair when we get old.


AE:  (drops the PBS) Who’s old?  Don’t answer.  (kicks the PBS)  By 2001, I supposedly am ready for demolition for the public’s safety.  On July 2002, close to my 105th birthday, I would be sent to Decker Studios for a total body job.


Joey:  I need to go too.


AE:  Not for bronzing … that’s what they would do  to me. The day before the 100th anniversary of man powered flight, I would be dedicated.


Joey:  You do not want to have that color.  People would think you had Wilson’s Disease or just got too sunburned.


AE: It does get hot and cold here depending on the time of day or night or season.


Joey:  Oh you are just way over menopause.  Where are we anyhow?


AE: We are at the corner of Tujunga and Magnolia Blvd in front of the newly restored Amelia Earhart Library in North Hollywood, California.


Joey:  I thought you were born in Atchison, Kansas.  How come they re-planted you in California?


AE: I lived in the area from 1928 to 1937.  I attended the University of Southern California and worked for the telephone company.  After I married George W … I mean George Putnam in 1931, we moved to Toluca Lake.  We still have a house on Valley Springs Lane.  Now who are you?


Joey:  My code name is Joey.  (puts on white mask)  We worked for the same side in the same war.  I scared the wits out of the Japanese soldiers while digging for information and recording my findings.  


AE:  Oh my!  Did the Japs reach all the way here after I disappeared?


Joey:  Not during WWII.  Toyota, Fuji and Sushi came later.  I was in Manila, Philippines.  I was beautiful and the toast of the city.  My husband belonged to a well respected family.  Our daughter was perfect.  After the Philippines was thrown into WWII because of Pearl Harbor, I just had to do more.  I was the best spy the USA could have had for the jobs they sent me to.


AE:  You had to wear that mask?


Joey:  No, not a mask. 


AE:  What exactly did you do?


Joey:  I went into Japanese camps at night, alone, armed only with a notebook and a pencil strapped on my body under my clothes.  (drops a pocket notebook and a pencil into the front of her blouse.  They fall to the floor)  The real Joey had a better shelf.  (opens notebook, inserts a group of pages into the elastic waist of her pants and let other pages hang outside; inserts pencil into the elastic band, tapes protruding end to her camisole)  Tlaaaa! That’s better.  I sketched everything I saw and shared my notes with the US Intelligence.


AE: Did anyone stop you?


Joey:  Yes but no one ever touched me.  I was never detained.


AE:  How did you do that?


Joey:  With my looks!  As I said, I was beautiful and much younger then.  I don’t really know what the Japanese soldiers thought they saw when the light flashed on me.  My hair was lighter brown compared to other Filipino women.  My eyes were almond shaped but huge and must have opened wider making me look like a wild cat.  My fair skin must have turned really pale making me white as a ghost.  My skin lesions and disfigurations made me unfit to touch.


AE:  How can you possibly turn from a beauty to a scary monster?


Joey:  I have Leprosy.


AE: What?!


Joey:  Incurable, contagious, disfiguring, demeaning, disgusting Leprosy.  I have long been a ghost.  I am not dead yet but might as well be.


AE:  I’m sorry! (drops PBS)


Joey:  No! Do not touch me.  I do not want to contaminate you.


AE:  I am now completely sealed in metal.  No bugs and such can hurt me.  My only problem is that I cannot move to hold you.  Come over and lean on me.  I am standing here alone and tired.  Please give me company.


(Lynn wears L half of jacket. Holds brown mask with L hand beside R ear, Bare R arm ‘embraces’ an invisible ‘Joey’;  R hand rests on L shoulder)


Joey:  Gladly!  I have not been touched or touched anyone except in deeds.  When the war was over I asked to be brought to the US for treatment, have a new identity and unknown address.  My husband died many years ago and my daughter tried to locate me but was unsuccessful.  I read about myself a few times.  I am so glad that I have turned adversity to good use.  However, the glory is gone and I am now alone.


     “Joey was the real code name of a real Philippine spy for the USA during World War II.  She was featured in ‘The Rest of the Story’ by Paul Harvey.”  Lynn said.


     “Was she a priest?”


     “No.  Her brother-in-law was.  She had good back up.  She must have prayed double the number of times he did.”


     “I can use my PhD in Psychology background as an Army Counselor.”  A woman said.


     “I can minister to the injured soldier’s body and soul as a Military Paramedic and Priest.”  Another added.


      There were talks of war, Weapons of Mass Destruction, crumbling economy and man made rare epidemics.  Lynn went back to her old refrain …




     This is part of Nostradamus’ July 1999 prediction which covers 27 years (1992+/- to 2019+/-) of conflict between Muslims and Christians. 


     Four hijacked planes crashed into the World Trade Center towers,  into the Pentagon and in Shanksville, Pennsylvania within minutes of each other.  Close to three thousand innocent lives were lost in that span of time.  President Bush  said “We are at war against terrorism.”  He made clear that it was NOT against Muslims or Afghanistan.  More than sufficient evidence indicated that Osama Bin Laden was the mastermind.  The Taliban headed by Mullah Mohammed Omar protected him in Afghanistan.  Bombing the country started on October 7, 2001.  The new Taliban leader surrendered the strongholds and the interim leader of Afghanistan took over on December 22, 2001.  Both Bin Laden and Mullah Mohammed Omar were “missing” for a while.  Al Qaeda cells were discovered almost all over the world.  Operation Anaconda revealed evidence of attempts to produce biological weapons and a map of a US nuclear plant.  Saddam Hussein rewarded families of suicide bombers and was five years away from developing his own nuclear bomb.  Al Qaeda fugitives were in Iraq. 


     President Bush and Prime Minister Blair pushed for ‘War against Terror’,  Congress agreed thatSaddam has to go.  The question was how



     Let us pray very hard for the world’s safety and return to peace.  Let us continue or resume efforts to control global warming and earth changes that lead to poverty, famine, pestilence, religious/political unrest and wars.  El Nino shall return periodically.  Weather extremes will follow.  President Bush urged world leaders to increase aid to poor countries in exchange for recipients ridding themselves of corruption and working for economic reform.   A Homeland Security Bill was proposed.


     It was determined that it was not the impact of the crashing planes but the intense heat of the resulting fire that caused the collapse of the Twin Towers.  The foundation was slightlt damaged in one corner but remained strong.  Underlying water was not contaminated.


     Let us resolve conflicts between nations and most of all PREVENT irreversible planetary damage from nuclear and mass destruction weapons use.

Our Lady of Peace

Please ask your Son Jesus


Calm the earth

Divert storm waters to areas of need

Grow food in every nation

Resolve conflicts throughout the globe

Prevent nuclear and mass destruction weapons use

For PEACE all over the world




     Then, there were reported instances of mail contaminated with Anthrax in the Eastern United States.


Nostradamus: Century 1, Quartrain 41, Lines 2 – 4


… few have escaped a battle not far from the sea

A woman faints with joy at the return of her son,

Poison in the folds of the hidden letters.


      One case of Anthrax death happened without any clue of the method of spread to the victim.   Aside from the ‘poisoned letter’.  There was a quartrain in the Nostradamus writings mentioning ‘white powder thrown over walls’.  There was one death.


Nostradamus: Century 9, Quartrain 99, Lines 1 – 4


The Aquilon wind will cause the siege to be raised

Over the walls to throw ashes, time and dust;

Through rain afterwards, which will do them much worse,

Last help against their frontier.


     There was an attempt by someone to detonate a bomb in his shoe aboard an international flight scheduled to land in the USA.  Passengers overpowered him.  A doctor sedated him.  There was no description of this in Nostradamus’ works.  Wait!  There is something about ‘death in the heavens’.  Perhaps, we managed to prevent that one.  Wait again!  This passage has a connection with ‘red hail’.  This may be something else to watch for in the future.   Be not too complacent that some of Nostradamus’ words have passed.  Some of his lines refer to multiple events.


     Should Lynn go ahead with priesthood?  She did not get the usual call nor desire and doubted that she would ever have the necessary dedication.  She vowed not to refuse IF there is no one else around to do ‘the job’.  No one would be sane enough to consider it. To make things more difficult, she has to proceed to consecration to accomplish what she has to do.  She may still change her mind or find herself unable to carry it out.  Then all the preparation shall be for naught.   Moreover, once a priest … always a priest whether or not she becomes a bishop.  It is just like deciding to be a doctor. Even after retiring, responsibilities continue if emergencies arise.  Proceeding to specialization made no difference.  The greater decision is the first one.  There is no turning back after that.


     There is one great advantage no matter what happens next.  A duly ordained priest, male or female, excommunicated or not, has the irrevocable power to rescue the soul of the spiritually drowning excommunicated individual.



All Rights Reserved


Submitted for Copyright 2008

Magdalena D. Guerrero, M.D., FACOG/GP, (dr G)

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